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About Elise

**About Creatively Doodled Design Studio**

Welcome to Creatively Doodled Design Studio! I'm delighted to introduce you to my world of crafting, custom home decor, and heartfelt creations.

I'm Elise Anderson, a wearer of many hats. Alongside my creative endeavors, I'm currently pursuing a Masters in Social Work, a journey that has led me to work closely with at-risk teenagers. This path of compassion and understanding has reinforced my belief in the therapeutic power of creativity.

In addition to my professional pursuits, I'm also a proud parent. I've had the privilege of raising my almost 4-year-old nephew since he was a year old, a journey that's brought joy, growth, and unconditional love into my life.

Raising my nephew is just one facet of my parenting journey. I'm also blessed to be a mother to two incredible teenagers—a freshman and a senior in high school. Guiding them through the pivotal moments of their teenage years has enriched my life with valuable insights and endless laughter.

My own childhood was marked by the challenges of growing up in a family affected by addiction. These experiences have forged my empathy and understanding, strengthening my commitment to making a positive impact in the lives of others. Crafting became my sanctuary—a form of therapy that allows me to transform emotions into art.

Every piece at Creatively Doodled Design Studio is a manifestation of my devotion to creating beauty from raw materials and my unwavering belief in the therapeutic power of art. Each brushstroke, color choice, and design detail carries a piece of my heart.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Let's infuse your surroundings with the positivity and spirit of creativity. Whether you're looking for a custom home decor piece or a handcrafted creation, I'm excited to collaborate with you to bring your vision to life.

Warmest regards,

Elise Anderson

Founder, Creatively Doodled Design Studio

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